FREE Masterclass + Hypnosis Session


How To Eliminate Self-Doubt, Feel More Confident and Manifest Your Desires with Self-Hypnosis, in as Little as Five Minutes a Day!


Group Hypnosis Session For Releasing Subconscious Limitations and Manifesting Your Dream Life!


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

7:30 - 9:30 pm EDT (Toronto/NYC)

Enroll now for $97 FREE!

Spaces are Limited!  Replay available. 

Reserve My Seat!

Can spending five to fifteen minutes daily meditating and/or using self-hypnosis REALLY transform my mindset and boost my confidence?


The answer is YES!

This Mind Your Own Shift Self-Hypnosis Masterclass + Group Hypnosis is especially for you if you're looking for expert guidance…

  • How to design and create the dream life you desire with simple subconscious transformation strategies.
  • How to overcome procrastination and uplevel your motivation and productivity.
  • The truth about limiting beliefs which are keeping you stuck and how to update them so you can move forward.

If you said, “I NEED THIS!” to any of the above, then I have good news for you…

Take action today and I’ll show you how to end self-doubt, feel more confident, and motivate yourself in just one afternoon!

Are you ready to make 2024 your breakthrough year?

If you want the Number One Strategy to recondition your mind for success, without spending a lot of time or money or figuring it out on your own….

Then, I'm glad you're here!

When people ask me how I upleveled my life so quickly, I share how I reinvented myself with self-hypnosis.

Here's my story:

I was obsessed with growing my side business, but scaling it to full-time seemed impossible. 


After experiencing a couple of very stressful events, my confidence was shattered. I lost my mojo. My side business slowed to a trickle…. I tried every marketing strategy I could find but nothing worked...

Because I didn’t believe in myself or that I was worthy of the success I was seeking.

Then I stumbled upon HYPNOSIS and my life began to change immediately!

I started feeling better about myself… more confident and worthy. I began achieving the success I had dreamed about. 

I wondered why everyone doesn’t learn this life-changing stuff about their subconscious mind.

My own miraculous results inspired me to pursue training as a clinical hypnotherapist so I could help others transform their minds and lives like I had transformed my own.

I'm excited to share the life-changing science of hypnosis with you!



If you want MORE CONFIDENCE and MORE SUCCESS, then look no further.


Get Started Now

When you take action and join this event, I’ll show you exactly how to recondition your mind for success!

Save my FREE spot today!

Take a sneak peek of what you’ll discover inside: 

What creates your mindset?

  • How upgrading your mindset changes your reality and why it’s essential for your success.
  • The number one subconscious limiting belief sabotaging your mindset and how you can change it.
  • The perfect 2-minute routine to create your own daily mindset shift.

Top 3 Rules for Mastering Your Thoughts

  • Learn how to shift your “stinking thinking” into success mode.
  • Understand why most affirmations don’t work and what you can do to change that.
  • The simple 5-minute practice to calm the "monkey mind".

The #1 Secret to Lock In Your Success Mindset Permanently

  • How to recognize and receive guidance from your subconscious mind or higher self (hint: most people ignore this!)
  • The best way to accelerate change using principles of neuroscience.
  • The simple 3-minute exercise to attract more of what you want.

But wait, there's more:

  • Included is a customizable Self-Hypnosis script
  • A Group Hypnosis for Releasing Limitations and Boosting Your Confidence
  • An optional paid upgrade to VIP which includes an Advanced Self-Hypnosis class with Q&A and a Group Hypnosis for Clearing the Past and Becoming Your Best Self on June 17, 2024 at 7:30pm EDT (Toronto/NYC), notes and workbooks for both masterclasses, and lifetime access to both replays.

Here's What People Are Saying:

"Highly recommended. I have struggled for 30+ years with difficulty to sleep. Stress was a big factor. Thanks to Barb and her work, I am happy to report that I sleep like a baby."

"It was so good, Barb. I would recommend highly. Can't wait to put this into practice, daily."

"I am paying attention to negative thoughts coming to my mind. I am practicing mindfulness at different times of day. I am prracticing the self hypnosis at night to help fall asleep. I am sharing what I've learned so far with my daughter. I feel more confident in my practice to master self hypnosis."

I want to help as many people as I can discover the best way to shift their mindset without spending a lot of time doing it.

Your Chance to Create the Happy, Abundant Life You Deserve is Now…

Will You Take The Leap?

YES! I want to grab my FREE spot now!

Space is Limited

Let’s Get Started!

The time for creating your personal breakthrough is now!

Join me and make 2024 your best year yet!

Self-Hypnosis Masterclass
+ Group Hypnosis

+ Access to Replay for One Week



Save My FREE Spot!

Self-Hypnosis Masterclass

+ Group Hypnosis
+ Masterclass Notes and Workbook

+ Advanced Class with Q&A + Group Hypnosis

+ Lifetime Access to Replays

Upgrade to VIP for $47

Your Hypnotherapist and Transformational Coach

Barb Davies, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist (RSW), Certified Hypnosis Instructor and Transformational Coach

Combining a unique blend of neuroscience, psychology, and personal development with a deep understanding of hypnosis and meditation, Barb Davies has designed the Mind Your Own Shift Masterclass based on subconscious transformation principles she has used with hundreds of happy clients to help them achieve their own breakthroughs.